Expert Committees
The managing directors of CSE-Engineering as well as the employees are chairing various expert committees and are actively participating. Experience of the CSE-Engineering flow directly into individual standards and “moves” the state of technology.
- ISO 4126 | Technical Committee 185 (Chairman)
- ISO 4126 Part 10 (Convenor until 2010)
- ProcessNet Steering Group Safety Technology (Vice Chairman)
- ProcessNet AA Safety-oriented sizing of chemical plants (Chairman)
- EDUG – European DIERS Users Group (Member of the Board)
- BAM – Federal Institute for Materials Research (Scientific Advisory Board)
- PTC – Pipeline Technologie Conference (Advisory Board)
- CSE Safety Days (Chair and organisation)
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- ProcessNet (Initiative of DECHEMA and VDI-GVT)
- DVGW (German Accociation of Gas and Water)
- EDUG (European DIERS Users Group)
- DIERS (Design Institute of Emergency Relief Systems)
- DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung)
- DKE DKE (German Comission of Electrical Engineering)
- AIChemE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)
- VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure)