CSE-Engineering Center of Safety Excellence GmbH
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The October issue of the CITplus, a well-known German process engineering journal, contains an article about safety training in Germany written by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Schmidt. As a lecturer at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Kaiserslautern he has a proper overview of the current training opportunities in the field of process and plant safety in Germany.

The article discusses the lack of young professionals in safety technology, the outsourcing of key competences and the current education and training which happens “on the job” and is time and cost consuming. Future and current safety experts have the opportunity to deepen their safety mindset by taking part in the Applied Safety seminars at CSE-Engineering Center of Safety Excellence.

Get the article (PDF in German)

The article is only available in German.

CITplus issue 10/2017
Website of the publisher (GIT Verlag)